Dressed in Light
The true self shines
光を纏い あなたになる

-Organic Cotton
-Botanical Dye
薬を飲むことを昔から”服用”と言うように、食事と同じく衣服も大切なエネルギーだと私たちは考えます。 あなたの”今”に必要な色と植物を身に纏うことで ハートから光が溢れ出し 内なる美しさを感じていただけますように
We Japanese use the word “Fuku yo (服用)” when we take medicine. “Fuku'' means “Clothing'', ''yo” means ''use (or take)''. It’s because we believe that clothing influences our health. We think that clothing is as important as energy as food. By wearing the colors and plants you need for your "now", light overflows from your heart and you can feel the inner beauty.
スーピマオーガニックコットンは、1年間に生産される綿花の中からわずか数パーセントしか採れない高級品です。そのなかでもさらに、アメリカ・ニューメキシコ州にて「Supima Organic」認証を受けたものを使用しています。スーピマオーガニックコットンは「軽量」「絹のような光沢」「吸水性が高い」「しなやかで柔らかい」「暖かい」といった特性があります。
The material we use is good quality hemp and organic cotton.
Hemp has characteristics such as :
-static electricity is less likely to occur
-strong and flexible
-excellent antibacterial properties
-protection from ultraviolet rays
-unique comfort of being cool but warm
-excellent breathability that absorbs and releases moisture.
Supima organic cotton is a luxury product that only a few percent of the cotton produced in a year can be harvested. Among them, we also use those certified by "Supima Organic" in New Mexico, USA. Supima organic cotton has characteristics such as "light weight", "silk-like luster", "high water absorption", "flexible and soft" and "warm".
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